A cool and recent initiative by Thijiba: HerLegalNetwork.

Thijiba Sinnathamby is the principal lawyer of TSJ Law and the founder of HerLegalNetwork. TSJ Law delivers legal services throughout the greater Toronto area. HerLegalNetwork is a referral network exclusive to solo, small and social justice practitioners in Ontario.
The goal of HerLegalNetwork is to increase visibility of women lawyers outside of “big law”. Big Law is generally assumed to mean larger law firms in Ontario and elsewhere. HerLegalNetwork features lawyers on the blog, FeatureHer. There are no fees involved with being part of HerLegalNetwork.
On starting HerLegalNetwork, Thijiba says, “There are many barriers experienced by women in law, a lack of a strong referral network shouldn’t be one of them.” Here is to supporting women-owned businesses!
If you are a solo, small and social justice practitioner in Ontario, contact HerLegalNetwork to get on the referral network!