Here is a list of some of the updates from this past week at the federal level and in Ontario and Alberta. Here is my initial post from first couple of weeks. This post may be updated as circumstances change or a new post may link back to this post. This post is non-comprehensive and there may exist additional changes or notices elsewhere that are not summarized below. Readers should consult professional advice, legal or otherwise, when it comes to their own circumstances/situation.

Bill C-14 was passed yesterday.
Updated practice direction for the Federal Court.
Federal government announces a disability advisory group during COVID-19.
A federal institution was on lock down on April 8 after some inmates tested positive for COVID-19. I wrote this letter.
Federal government issued a release regarding human rights abuses and discrimination during COVID-19.
Federal governments provides updated information around use of non-medical masks.
Applications for Canada Emergency Response Benefit opened this past week. Generally, it is suggested to begin the application process as there is about a two week wait for your login information; you need a special code.
Toronto police are increasing enforcement regarding social distancing orders. Check out some tips here if you are stopped. Please note that the City’s bylaws are different than the emergency orders, but same tips generally apply.
Ontario announced additional closures in light of COVID-19.
Ontario prevents child care centres from collecting payment during COVID-19 when services are not provided.
Ontario issues some additional orders under its emergency management:
O. Reg. 132/20 order regarding use of force and firearms in policing services.
O. Reg. 129/20 order regarding virtual signing / witnessing of wills and POAs.
O. Reg. 128/20 order regarding pick-up and delivery of cannabis.
O. Reg. 121/20 order regarding services and supports for adults with developmental disabilities.
O. Reg. 120/20 order regarding access to information by specified persons.
Alberta sent some PPE to Ontario.
Alberta took some initiatives regarding its supply chain.
Alberta announced some additional funding to help with access to food.